One of many inlets off the GTMO Bay
I push fitness, not necessarily vocally, but I guess with my actions. I can't help it! I feel like I spend a lot of time in my fitness world and in the process I am pushing this lifestyle on to everyone around me. Not that this is a bad thing and I really hope no one is ever insulted or offended by my level of energy. I really don't care what your fitness level is, if you're not doing something active I'll probably come up with at least 3 things you can do outside of being in my class every day, to get your body in motion. It's what I do and it's what everyone should do, not to be the elusive size zero, but to be in better health and feel good about yourself.
See Cuba across the bay and Hospital Cay
The problem here is that everybody knows just about everybody. The ones that come to my class on a regular basis then see me at the NEX (Navy Exchange and Commissary) and either cover up their grocery cart or make it a point to show me what they're buying. It's quite funny sometimes. Honestly people, I don't care what's in your cart, although if you feel you need to sneak it past me then you probably should just put it back and make a healthier choice (if you know what I mean). However, I really don't go looking at people's carts and I definitely don't count calories for you. That's your job. My job is to motivate, teach, challenge, and help each person reach their potentials, reach their goals. So please, carry that junk food with pride to the register because you'll be in my class tomorrow or the next day and I will make sure you burn that and then some!!
Another inlet on the way to Marina Point
Outside of "pushing fitness" by attending my classes (all seven), I tend to influence other activities, because that's just not enough for me apparently. Kayaking, for example. The other day I mentioned going Kayaking as a workout and really did not expect to get more than 2 or 3 people on board. Boy was I ever wrong. I'm expecting quite a few people at the Marina tomorrow. So we're headed on a one hour expedition along the Bay shorelines during which time we'll learn how to maneuver this boat, spend a fun morning with friends, and get a workout, because believe me, you will get a workout. If you get too hot, jump in the water to cool off, it's that simple.
It's hard not to be active here in GTMO. Many people walk the steep and rugged hills, others bike around the base, and many participate in group organized sports and individual sports activities offered everyday. If you haven't already done so, start a new habit called "taking care of me!" While you're at it, clear your mind of "can't" and fill that space with "will!"
See you around!
Photos by Lori Parker from A Mirror with Memory