Monday, October 31, 2011

It's where I live... for now!

I love this view of Guantanamo Bay.  It was taken from the airplane window with my iPod.  I recently went off island on a Girls Weekend Getaway to Jacksonville, Florida.  It was great to be on the mainland but I have to say that we were feeling a little anxious just stepping into the stores.  Everything is so big, so many options, so many isles... it's just too much.  I appreciate going to the grocery store here and not having so many options.  I may have to work my up to big stores when we move back to the states.

So it's been a while since I've updated this blog, mainly because I get frustrated at my slow internet and because I am too busy to stop and write.  I can promise to do better but, really, who are we kidding.  Apparently it's fall season, Halloween parties everywhere, a makeshift pumpkin patch and hayrides for the kids, and of course, Soccer, 5Ks, and live bands. No fall weather here... still in the 80s, lots of mosquitoes, and humidity.

I want to share some things we call GiTMOisms here because there are so many things that only happen in GTMO. For example, only in GTMO do you lose your 4 year old kid in the store and simple tell others around you "hey if you see my kid, send him my way, I'll be in the cereal isle." YUP! That was me and he was lost in a surprisingly crowded store.  Only in GTMO are you late because you had to wait for the Iguanas to cross the road.  Only in GTMO can you call the local grocery store, the pool, the gym or the day care center looking for a friend and know that you'll find her.  I called the pool today, asked for my friend, first name only and they simply handed her the phone. I mean, seriously, where else can you do that?

How about this one, only in GTMO do you meet TV and Music personalities, have drinks with them, have pictures taken and then see them off as if they were your buddies.  For example, this past weekend we had a couple of bands in town for our Customer Appreciation Weekend Celebration.  We were also really excited to have three of the chefs from Diners, Dives, and Drive-Ins.  Such fantastic food and great people.

I should really start writing down all our GiTMOisms... hmmm maybe I will.

I think I will miss the simple life here. How quickly we can go from one place to another. How kids don't have to compete to join the soccer, football, basketball, or rugby teams... they just join, learn and enjoy. So glad I had a chance to be a part of this community but really looking forward to being back in the states-- reality is going to hit hard :-) This last year will be great!

Be back soon with more updates of Our Life in Guantanamo Bay.
