OK so now I really can't complain, I've got everything. Does anyone realize what a task it is to unpack and find a home for all the stuff we own. Honestly, I lived with bare minimum stuff - one set of sheets for each bed, one pillow case for each pillow, one comforter, a few dishes, couple of pots and pans and enough cups and silverware for each person to have one. Oh yes, we also had 1/2 a couch (it's a blessing to have the entire thing, that's for sure) and enough chairs for each behind in the house.
Makes me wonder why we have the other stuff we have. I guess to keep the echo down and keep the closets full.
So anyway, we now have all our stuff. We can eat in the kitchen ...
or in the dining "room."
We can sit in the family room...
OR... in the sun room, which is currently separated from the family by several columns. That's right, there's nothing between the two. I'm working on that, must have a place to read, meditate....
So, while it is exciting to finally have everything, it would be nice to have someone come over and organize it all so I can finally sit and just enjoy our new home without worrying about unpacking another box, organizing a closet, or re-arranging a room.
Soon. Just a few more boxes to go.
Deep breath in... hold it .... breath out!
That feels great!